Over the past half-century many staple American native trees have been losing the battle introduced by foreign disease, pest, and pathogens, just as health disparities have decimated and continues to destroy many families and underserved communities. As such, CUFA believes that with a new focus on science and technological advances over the past few decades its time to challenge, empower, and educate students about the utter importance of recovering and protecting our country's national treasures such as the American Ash, Chestnut, Dogwood, and Elm to name a few.
Equally if not more important, each year cancer and heart disease affects many American families and is even more crippling in underprivileged communities, so placing a renewed effort in researching and studying past and present health benefits derived from American native trees such as the Elderberry, (Sambucus canadensis), Paw-Paw, (Asimina triloba), and Washington Hawthorn, (Crataegus phaenopyrum) is and will always be CUFA's mission and priorities.
Our work doesn't stop there because bees need trees too. Yes, bees need trees. Bee populations don't just pollinate perennials and shrubs. Bees also pollinate and and depend on several native trees. Several native trees of the Mid-Atlantic area are excellent sources of food for bees. Native plants are great tools for keeping bird and insect populations thriving, and bees are especially in need of our help as their presence is crucial for maintaining our local ecosystems. If you want to make your yard, street, or community garden bliss for bees, consider planting a native tree.
If you're ready to enhance your urban environment with sustainable and vibrant greenery, fill out the form below, and we'll get in touch with you soon.