Posted on March 24th, 2023
Community & Urban Forestry Alliance, "CUFA," a division of CITYGREEN, was formed specifically to increase community awareness about the benefits of native trees, species education, and participation in tree planting and survival. In addition to tree plantings, CUFA conducts tree species research and tree failure excavations, green infrastructure construction, neighborhood enrichment, and youth development. The foundation of CUFA was conceived over a decade ago. Around that time, the District of Columbia had a declining graduation rate, escalating crime, crippling poverty, structural joblessness, and many adolescents and young adults on the wrong path. Believing in the powers of nature, I felt compelled to share my insight and knowledge to help as as I could consider working outdoors, and so I did, or well I tried very hard to. The facts are, the landscape and tree service industry at the time generated over $100 Billion dollars annually, tree companies were always in need of manpower, climbers and groundmen didn't need a degree to become professional, the field lacked diversity, on-the-job training was an option, time in trees relieved stress, the skills were transferrable, the pay was good, and of course, there was always industry growth, and because arboriculture is a career without heights and an industry without boundaries. The sky was literally the limit.
Just a few years prior, I had the opportunity to establish a vocational trade school in the District and was a contractor responsible for emergency and non-emergency tree removals from public space in Ward 7 and Ward 8. Before the ink dried on the paperwork all I could think about was the number of youth I would have the opportunity to train while serving the community that I cared about, grew up in, and wanted to see revitalized. Providing that opportunity would help youth become self-sufficient and self-reliant where they would feel valued being involved in the activities occurring within their community. That was the plan then, and the plan now, nothing is more important than that.
Over the past decade so much has changed, yet more, especially pertaining to youth outcomes has remained the same. Frustrated by it all, in 2019, I decided to ran for the State Board of Education in Ward 7. I felt compelled to run for students marginalized, pathologized, stigmatized, and traumatized, who's education and outcome should equally be valued. I didn't win at the polls but I won in so many more ways. In researching education history and policy I came across one law that forever changed my path. It was a law of extreme importance and need when adapted but shockingly was never funded. Then, to make matters worse, 30 years later it was amended, weakened, and discarded like November fall leaves.
The law was D.C. Law 6-210. The law basically was established to addresses food insecurities and poverty. The law essentially set forth a path to where District students would be on track to be some of the healthiest and economically secure in the country. One key provision was exposing all students to science and gardening with indoor and outdoor gardens spaces in schools which would have prepared students for careers in restaurant produce supply, landscaping, and floral design.
CUFA has positioned itself to create a new pathway for students with CUFA with the joining of the District Orchard Project and Native Tree Farm and Research, both with a core missions of at-risk and historically disadvantaged students on track to tackle the greatest environmental, health, and equity challenges of this century.
With the recovery and rediscover of native trees a new generation of scientist backed with technology can now place emphasis back on the cancer fighting properties of the Paw-Paw, and the heart disease prevention of the Washington Hawthorn, while also restoring one of Americas most adorned and dominant species, the American Chestnut. Truly an icon and majestic tree worth fighting for. In this effort, CUFA will train students to also provide complete tree care services to reconnect communities and enhance community and urban forestry across the District of Columbia and Prince Georges County. Our team of professional arborist, college professors, industry specialist, and our prized, junior arborist are ready to support the growth, health, and viability of every community and property in need.
So, if we're not climbing a tree to assess branches engulfed in English Ivy or to cable weak branches, we're training the next generation of environmental stewards and arborist about storm water management, being able to contribute, cancer and heart disease prevention, treatment, and research, carbon capture, and most importantly the need to ensure the next generation has the information, support, and tools to be responsible, productive, and more sustainable members of society then their predecessors.
For more information about CUFA or to schedule a residential or commercial property assessment contact us today!
If you're ready to enhance your urban environment with sustainable and vibrant greenery, fill out the form below, and we'll get in touch with you soon.